From Forbes: Cold Fusion: NASA Says Nothing Useful
On NASA’s Glenn Research Center’s Research page the following summary was published last last year:
Tests conducted at NASA Glenn Research Center in 1989 and elsewhere consistently show evidence of anomalous heat during gaseous loading and unloading of deuterium into and out of bulk palladium. At one time called “cold fusion,” now called “low-energy nuclear reactions” (LENR), such effects are now published in peer-reviewed journals and are gaining attention and mainstream respectability. The instrumentation expertise of NASA GRC is applied to improve the diagnostics for investigating the anomalous heat in LENR.
I find it interesting and rather puzzling that the summary states that LENR is the new name for cold fusion (thereby implying that the two terms describe the same process) when many other people and organizations argue that these are quite different phenomena. I’d love to read a simple explanation of the difference between LENR and cold fusion that doesn’t use explanations that themselves require further, and equally complex, explanations.
Anyway, it appears that the NASA recently published something much more interesting about Low Energy Nuclear Reaction or LENR. Last Wednesday, with a minimum of fuss, NASA’s Glenn Research Center released a video on their Web site that discussed the organization’s LENR research.
The video is titled, rather abstrusely, “Method for Enhancement of Surface Plasmon Polaritons to Initiate & Sustain LENR in MHS (Metal Hydride Systems)” and is pretty disappointing because rather than explaining what the title means or what experiments have been actually been conducted and the results, the video, featuring a NASA scientist, one Dr. Joseph Zawodny, is a rather disappointing hand-waving, “ Jam Tomorrow” exercise. Here’s the transcript:
While the world is drastically dependent on fossil fuel, researchers at NASA Langley Research Center are working on another way of producing energy efficient nuclear power.
“This other form of nuclear power releases energy by adding neutrons. Eventually, they gain a sufficient number of neutrons that they spontaneously decay into something of the same mass but a different element.”
The different element is cleaner than traditional nuclear fuels and can be produced by raw materials such as nickel, carbon and hydrogen.
“It has the demonstrated ability to produce excess amounts of energy cleanly, without ionizing radiation, without producing nasty waste.”
This clean form of energy is also powerful, able to support everything from transportation systems to infrastructure.
“The easiest implementation of this would be for the home. You would have a unit that would replace your water heater and you would have some sort of cycle to derive electrical energy from that, and then it would dump its waste heat into the water, or air handling system for the building, so it would be a dual use thing. It would be sitting there producing heat, then you’d derive electricity from it to run your electronics, power the house, power the building, power light industry, and then the waste heat would be used for environmental control and warm water.”
NASA’s Method for Enhancement of Surface Plasmon Polaritons to Initiate and Sustain LENR in metal hydride systems, a clean nuclear energy for your power operated technology.
Amongst the many staunch LENR boosters and the redoubtable believers in Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat device (which this blog covered last week and in several previous postings), this video has been hailed as somehow irrefutable proof that NASA, as a whole, is admitting to the existence of LENR as a practical technology for energy generation while others see this as a breaching of the misinformation and suppression campaign conducted by Big Physics (specifically the hot plasma researchers) and Big Energy (the oil, natural gas, a nuclear industries). For example, the following comes from a blog called “E-Cat Site” (the highlights are mine):
The video unequivocally states that the NASA Langley Research Center is actively pursuing the development of this technology. While this advocacy can be reasonably assumed by the four slide show presentations from a September 22, 2011 LENR workshop held at the NASA Glenn Research Center, this video is a definitive, public statement regarding NASA’s belief in this technology.
Many of the pathoskeps have been stating for many months that they will not believe NASA’s involvement in this technology until an official press release by NASA stating such. Well, NASA has done them one better by releasing a video with one it’s scientists, not a spokesman or a piece of paper, confirming NASA’s belief and active involvement in developing LENR.
Wow. That makes it sound pretty definitive … but wait! Hold hard! On his own blog, Dr, Zawodny writes (again, the highlights are mine):
There have been many attempts to twist the release of this video into NASA’s support for LENR or as proof that Rossi’s e-cat really works. Many extraordinary claims have been made in 2010. In my scientific opinion, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I find a distinct absence of the latter. So let me be very clear here. While I personally find sufficient demonstration that LENR effects warrant further investigation, I remain skeptical. Furthermore, I am unaware of any clear and convincing demonstrations of any viable commercial device producing useful amounts of net energy.
Well said, Dr. Zawodny! The good doctor continued:
So what does extraordinary evidence look like? As a trained scientist, I have been taught the historical standards for acceptance of experimental results or theories. Experiments and theories go hand-in-hand in what is known as the scientific method. Both must be independently tested, replicated, or verified. As a minimum, experimental results must be replicated by an objective and independent party. The nature of the test or replication needs to adhere to the spirit of the original experiment but, should be under the full design, implementation, and control of the independent tester. So, if a device is claimed to be capable of producing excess heat by nature of its operation (i.e., the consumption of fuel via a nuclear process), it must be operated properly. The way power input and power output are measured should be left up to the independent tester. This is standard scientific practice. What would take this to the next level (extraordinary evidence) would be to have the test be an open public test. The nature of the test and specific approach to executing the test should be made public. The conduct of the test should be open to additional 3rd party experts. And finally, the data should be publicly released. Further peer review of all aspects of the independent test is a must. Community consensus is the ultimate goal. Every attempted demonstration of a LENR device that I am aware of has failed to meet one or more of these criteria.
Bingo! This hits the LENR nail on the head: “Every attempted demonstration of a LENR device that I am aware of has failed to meet one or more of these criteria.”
A reasonable person, that is, one who isn’t experiencing endless spasms of unfounded faith in Andrea Rossi’s claims for the E-Cat, will read that and think “Yep, LENR may well be a real physical phenomena and Rossi may be on to something but I want to see proof that the E-Cat really works.”
So, once again we’re left with no real, solid grounds for believing in Rossi’s E-Cat working as claimed. I don’t know about you but I’m getting pretty annoyed with the silliness surrounding this three ring circus and as much as I admire the candor in his blog posting I’m wondering why Dr. Zawodny, who appears to be a thoughtful, rational, and scientific man, ever got involved with something that so neatly played into the agendas of so many zealots while saying nothing of real substance.
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