Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dalton Nuclear Facility

THis is the front page of the Dalton Nuclear Facility website. The info there is interesting:

Nuclear physics facilities

The Dalton Nuclear Institute incorporates comprehensive nuclear physics facilities which support fundamental and applied research in nuclear reactor design and detector systems. Our facilities include:
  • Detector Development Laboratory (and associated design and mechanical workshop facilities)
  • Nuclear Codes Suite
  • Reactor Simulator Suite
  • Nuclear Practical Laboratory for education and training

Research focus

Circuit board,nuclear physics
The Detector Development Laboratory is used to design, machine, construct and commission detector systems for international experimental nuclear physics programmes. The lab has expertise in detection and identification of heavy ions using large area gas detectors, an expertise unique in the UK. The group also subscribes to access the n_TOF pulsed neutron facility at CERN to make neutron capture and fission cross section measurements.
The Nuclear Codes Suite provides access to the RED QUEEN high-performance computer cluster. The facility supports a range of industry-standard codes - including the ANSWERS software suite - for reactor core analysis, criticality and spent fuel inventory calculations and radiation transport for radiation shielding and detector design.
The complementary Reactor Simulator Suite includes a number of PC desktop-based reactor simulators, as well as the GSE Systems 'VPanel' physical unit. These are used to teach reactor operation principles using several reactor plant models.
The Nuclear Practical Laboratory is used primarily for education and training of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the properties of radiation. It is equipped with state-of-the-art detectors which are also used for research.
Reearchers cheching wiring
The Nuclear Practical Laboratory is used primarily for education and training of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the properties of radiation, and is equipped with state-of-the-art detectors which are also used for research.

Laboratory facilities and capabilities

Our comprehensive nuclear physics laboratories offer:
  • Expertise in the design, machining, construction and commissioning of radiation detector systems
  • Large area gas detectors capable of detecting and identifying heavy ions
  • Access to the RED QUEEN high-performance computer cluster (800 cores)
  • Simulations which support the ANSWERS suite of codes, as well as MCNP, GEANT4, FLUKA and FISPIN
  • State-of-the-art detectors

Access arrangements

Please contact the Dalton Nuclear Institute if you wish to access any of our facilities or equipment for publicly funded projects or to support proprietary industry-focused research. Access to our facilities may be available through collaborative agreements or purchased access arrangements.


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