Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ever Wonder What the Pre-Requisites are for a course in Nuclear Physics

From the University of Oslo: FYS3520 - Nuclear physics, structure and spectroscopy
Course content
Basic characteristics of the atomic nucleus. Single-particle motion and collective characteristics. Thermodynamics and low energy phase transitions in the nucleus. Radioactive disintegration processes. Nuclear reactions, fission and fusion. Super heavy nuclei and nuclei with extreme proton and neutron numbers. Nucleosynthesis in stars and supernovae. Nuclear medicine, proton therapy and PET. Reactor physics and ADS thorium power plants.
Learning outcomes

The student should:

* be able to explain basic properties in the atomic nucleus. In more detail: one-particle motion and collective characteristics, thermodynamics and low energy phase transitions, radioactive disintegration processes, nuclear reactions, fission and fusion.
* know about super heavy nuclei and nuclei with extreme proton and neutron numbers, nucleosynthesis in stars and supernovae, nuclear medicine, proton therapy and PET, reactor physics and ADS thorium power plants. The objective of this course is to give students a knowledge base when writing a master thesis in Experimental or Theoretical Nuclear Physics.

The student should be able to:

* show insight into the fundamental properties of the atomic nucleus, both the experimental and theoretical parts of the nucleus’ structure and dynamics.
* understand the different processes that determine the amounts of different elements in our solar system.
* evaluate various nuclear applications in medisine and energy.


Students at UiO must apply for courses in StudentWeb.

International applicants, if you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures for international applicants.

The examination in this course is not available for external candidates. Only students admitted to the course may sit for the examination.
Formal prerequisites

In addition to fulfilling the Higher Education Entrance Qualification, applicants have to meet the following special admission requirements:

One of these:

* Mathematics R1
* Mathematics (S1+S2)

And and in addition one of these:

* Mathematics (R1+R2)
* Physics (1+2)
* Chemistry (1+2)
* Biology (1+2)
* Information technology (1+2)
* Geosciences (1+2)
* Technology and theories of research (1+2)

The special admission requirements may also be covered by equivalent studies from Norwegian upper secondary school or by other equivalent studies. Read more about special admission requirements.
Exam information
Assessment and grading

Course grades are awarded on a descending scale using alphabetic grades from A to E for passes and F for fail.
Evaluation of this course

Feedback from our students is essential to us in our efforts to ensure and further improve the high quality of our programmes and courses. As a student at the University of Oslo you will therefore be asked to participate in various types of evaluation of our courses, facilities and services. All courses are subject to continuous evaluation. At regular intervals we also ask students on a particular course to participate in a more comprehensive, in-depth evaluation of this course, a so called "periodic evaluation".
Contact us
Department of Physics

Visiting address:
Physics building, Sem Sælandsvei 24

Visiting hours:
Monday-friday 08:00-15:45

Postal address:
P.O. Box. 1048, Blindern
NO-0316 OSLO
Phone: +47 22 85 64 23
Fax: +47 22 85 64 22
E-mail: studieinfo@fys.uio.no
Web: http://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/

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