Sunday, September 18, 2011

China: 1-3 Nov, 2011: International symposium on frontiers in nuclear physics

PR: International symposium on frontiers in nuclear physics
We are glad to announce the second International Symposium on Frontiers in Nuclear Physics. We hope to organize such an international symposium every year at Beihang University as a way to contribute to the enhancement of collaboration in the area of Nuclear Science and Technology. The first one was held in October of 2010.

The subject we focus on in this year is "Tensor interaction in nuclear and hadron physics". This does not mean other interesting subjects are excluded. The venue is Beihang University in Beijing of China. The time of the meeting is 2-3 of November. Using this occasion, we would like to hold an opening ceremony of Research Center of Nuclear Science and Technology (RCNST) at Beihang University. The opening ceremony will be held in Nov. 1 and all the participants are invited for the event.

As for the topic of the second International Symposium, we would like to focus on the role of tensor interactions on the structure of nuclei and hadrons. Tensor interactions play important roles in Nuclear Physics. In deuteron, about 80% of attraction comes from the tensor interaction. The tensor interaction is the major term of the pion exchange interaction. The work of the Argonne group on light mass nuclei (A<10) demonstrates about 80% of the attraction is due to the pion exchange interaction. The tensor interaction provides specific configurations that influence the shell structure. All these things became clear in the recent research works and we would like to bring scientists who work on the tensor interaction from both theory and experimental sides. The pion is related with the chiral symmetry. Hence, it has a strong influence on hadron physics. Recently, the role of the tensor interaction is studied in the spectra of heavy quark systems as well.

For those who are interested, please register before October 20th, 2011 by filling out the registration form. Please also tell us whether you will attend the opening ceremony of RCNST. Registration fee is 500 CNY (approximately 6000 JPY) to cover coffee break and conference venue and should be paid in cash (CNY) at the conference registration desk.

All participants are encouraged to give an oral presentation, though we may have to select the talks depending on the number of contributions. Please send us a title and a brief abstract through the "Submit a new abstract" page.

Chairmen: Isao Tanihata and Jie Meng
Scientific secretaries: Hiroshi Toki and Lisheng Geng
Organizing committee: Gaolong Zhang, Hongyan Cai, ChunYan Song, Atsushi Hosaka

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